Buzz Rickson's was founded in 1993 dedicating themselves in the pursuit of creating flight jackets. The original MIL SPEC (United States Military Standard) is still used for their reproduction process for authenticity. From the materials used for every detail to the overall form of the jacket, each piece is carefully constructed to convey the true presence of a flight jacket.
Buzz Rickson's was founded in 1993 dedicating themselves in the pursuit of creating flight jackets. The original MIL SPEC (United States Military Standard) is still used for their reproduction process for authenticity. From the materials used for every detail to the overall form of the jacket, each piece is carefully constructed to convey the true presence of a flight jacket.
●用途:普段使い カジュアル シンプル お出かけ 贈り物 誕生日 御祝い プレゼント ギフト アウトドア
●対象:ユニセックス 男女兼用 メンズ 男性 レディース 女性
●イメージ:オシャレ かっこいい おしゃれ お洒落 おすすめ 人気 丈夫 機能的 ロゴ ファッション
BUZZ RICKSON'S/バズリクソンズその他おすすめ商品こちらです!
4,900 円+税